Wednesday, June 11, 2008

One Chance

This past Sunday's message spoke so much to me that I wanted to share it. Below you will find the notes to the sermon. The message was such a huge reminder to me as a mom, adopted gramma and children's pastor that we only get one first chance with our kids. God grants us 18 years if we are lucky to love on, invest in, raise up, give our children the necessary tools to be all they are created to be. Our children need to know how to honor and respect not only our heavenly Father but also those around them and themselves. Please take a minute to go over the notes and then spend some time in prayer and see how He leads you.

Relatively Speaking #6 Speaking of Kids
"Come, my children, listen as I teach you to respect the Lord. Psalm 34:11"

A most basic responsibility of an adult to children is to teach them by word and example to Respect and Honor God.

What happens when a young person learns to respect and honor God?
1. Emotional health
"I asked the Lord for help and he saved me from all my fears." Psalm 34:4
2. No Regrets
"Keep your eyes on the Lord! You will shine like the sun and you will never blush with shame." Psalm 34:5
3. Protection
"I was a nobody, but I prayed and the Lord saved me from all my troubles. If you honor the Lord, his angel will protect you. Discover for yourself that the Lord is kind. Come to him for protection, and you will be glad." Psalm 34:6-8
4. Success
"...if you trust the Lord, you will never miss out on anything good." Psalm 34:10
5. Always a Great Ending
"The Lord's people may suffer a lot, but he will always bring them safely through." Psalm 34:19

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1 comment:

Brenda Mason Young said...

Geez--this is AWESOME!!! You look like an old pro at this. And I am blessed that the message mattered so much.